While his game is still “slow as molasses” (his words, not mine!) this does not diminish the fact that womp has produced a rather fun game (and it runs pretty acceptably considering the platform it was made for). Block Party (0808) CSE: Cemetech regular mr womp womp revisited one of his older projects, a Tetris-like Block Party game for the CSE.Asteroid (TI84+): Cemetech newcomer mrclipse built a monochrome TI-BASIC imitation of the quintessential science fiction experience of navigating an asteroid field.He spent some additional effort space-optimizing the rest of the game too– this data-heavy feature only produced a net gain of 2kb! Check out the thread for more details on the history of this large-scale remake for both the TI-83+/84+ and the TI-84+ CE. Alien Breed 5 Episode III: Impact: We saw some more fantastic work from JamesV this month, who added some very slick enemy animations.These posts are written with the intent that you check out projects that you may have missed we encourage you to take a look at projects you may have overlooked before. Today’s post is about February 2023, a particularly active month which saw updates posted to no fewer than fourteen member projects.

Continuing our effort to catch up on our ever-present Projects of the Months poll deficit, we are posting more than one Projects of the Month per month.